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Panasonic SD-2500WXC Compact Breadmaker with Gluten Free Programme

  • Ten bread and dough modes
  • Jam and compote mode; Three different loaf sizes
  • Dimensions [mm]: Width 260 x Height 370 x Depth 390
  • 100% gluten free bread mode; Includes measuring Cup (310ml)
  • Power Supply: 230/240V; Power Consumption [Max.][W]: 550W

Product Attributes

  • Width: 10.2 inches,
  • Height: 14.6 inches,
  • Weight: 14.1 pounds,
  • Length: 15.4 inches




63.6% 9.9% 26.4%

Senti Score  [73.6%]

Andrew James Bread Maker | Dual Blade with 15 Functions Including Gl..

  • DOUBLE BLADE BREAD MAKER -- Create delicious breads at home wit..
  • 15 PRE-SET FUNCTIONS WITH 3 LOAF SIZES -- Use the preprogrammed..
  • 15 HOUR TIMER DELAY WITH 60 MIN KEEP WARM -- Have your bread re..
  • 2 YEAR MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY -- Shop with confidence. Your And..

Product Attributes

  • Width: 1.0 inches,
  • Height: 1.0 inches,
  • Length: 1.0 inches




65.9% 11.4% 22.7%

Senti Score  [77.3%]

* hover your mouse over a word to see more details

Panasonic SD-2500WXC Compact Breadmaker with Gluten Free Programme

best perfect great replace difficult truly excellent absolutely brilliant huge disappointment excellent wrong cheap disappointed highly delighted total failure better very disappointed

Andrew James Bread Maker | Dual Blade with 15 Functions Including Gl..

brilliant product useless returning item worst perfect initial disaster lovely difficult poor great good increasingly difficult very pleased excellent functionality expensive excellent

Compare Cons

does not work in both products

"it seems they haven't googled it at panasonic adding extra water does not work"

remove the bread in both products

"my previous ones pan same make model was no longer non stick and it was impossible to remove the bread"

total failure

"i have tried a different recipe as suggested initially but that did not rise at all and was a total failure"

huge disappointment

"the bread maker has been a huge disappointment and i will never purchase another panasonic bread maker again"

very disappointed

"very disappointed"

total kaput

"total kaput and so much hassle returning it so i decided i have to get something which will last forever but also has to be simple without these unnecessary drawers and dispensers"

outrageously expensive

"i do not recommend the nasty cheap brown and cream plastic bread cutter on sale the thin plastic of which bends out of shape while you are trying to saw the bread the wood and metal one is outrageously expensive so i am just using a breadknife"

fails to rise

"bread nevers fails to rise"

bad bread makers

"i was looking for a bread maker and had lots of stores from friends and family about how bad bread makers are and there experiences"

free ' setting but beware

"and importantly has 'gluten free' setting but beware if you use the 'gluten free' setting the recipe given in the handbook will not produce a good loaf and possibly damage your machine"

wasted money

"i certainly won't be buying bread from a supermarket again and just wish i hadn't wasted money on the cheaper machine which was a logik l1bms11"

warranty expired

"product failed just as warranty expired"

needing salt

"there's a lot of nonsense said about bread needing salt for it to rise"

tepid water

"put the ingredients in the breadmaker in this order: a sploosh of olive oil about one tablespoon all this does is make the dough workable and easy to tip the loaf out at the end 280ml of tepid water 30 seconds in the microwave to make it tepid will do don't make it too hot or you'll kill the yeast 400g of strong bread flour with 1 teaspoon of dried bread making yeast stirred into it"

only gripe

"my only gripe is that the quick program is rubbish compared to the proper way which kneads and rises twice"

dough improver

"by adding 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of dough improver available from lakeland to the mix"

dough batches

"produced about a dozen loaves and several dough batches all good though still learning how to tweak things a little"

just too hard

"unfortunately it turned out loaves which were either brick like or didn't rise properly so that the tops were all gnarled and twisty and on slicing the bread it was just too hard"

little messy

"only minus it’s that you will need take off blade from bread after and was little messy plus was little bit of flour on it and around which needed go away"

more expensive

"but the version which can do it is more expensive"

beware buyers

"beware buyers"

tiny disappointment

"the only tiny disappointment is no viewing window but this really isn't essential"

very unhappy

"i am very unhappy"

tiny dry greasy

"i was buying gf loaves at £3 per loaf which were tiny dry greasy no flavour or all of the above"

unnecessary niggle

"it wouldn't stop me buying the machine but it is an unnecessary niggle"

more noisy

"it has got slightly more noisy after a year of use 3 times a week or more at least but we put it downstairs by the back door or in the spare room if we want it to work overnight"

unbelievably noisy

"however the yeast dispenser on the sd zb2502 is unbelievably noisy and could wake the dead"

ridiculously short

"also i must add it has a ridiculously short mains lead"

baking parchment

"it can't whisk the cake batter and you have to line the pan with baking parchment?"

inferior results

"however the programmes for wholemeal are up to 5 hours which is very long and the shorter 3 hour version produces inferior results"

extremely difficult

"one slight problem their site makes it extremely difficult to register this product!"

slight issue

"occasionally i've had a slight issue getting the loaf out of the bread pan"

returning same

"this bread maker now is heading straight for the bin as the 30 days is up for returning same"

bread cutter

"i do not recommend the nasty cheap brown and cream plastic bread cutter on sale the thin plastic of which bends out of shape while you are trying to saw the bread the wood and metal one is outrageously expensive so i am just using a breadknife"

been noisy

"previous breadmakers have been noisy and as we have two small nervous dogs i gave the last one away"

only problem

"only problem with that is it outs you off other bread it is a must for any house hold"

faulty product

"the seller magic discounts amazon and panasonic are referring my problem to one another without accepting liability for a refund so i'm stuck with a faulty product that i can't return"

slight problem

"one slight problem their site makes it extremely difficult to register this product!"

most expensive

"the most expensive model i've bought but well worth the extra money for the excellent results"

makers fault

"unfortunately gluten free bread is not the best but that's not the bread makers fault!"

pathetically quiet

"also a complaint i’ve read in other reviews so why doesn’t the manufacturer take notice the bleep at the end when the loaf is ready is pathetically quiet"

very expensive

"so dry and at times inedible also very expensive"

negative reviews

"when my last panasonic breadmaker stopped working i was a bit worried by some of the negative reviews on here but still decided to purchase another panasonic model"

cheap ones

"he got a better loaf by making the dough cooking it in the oven so i can't really compare so you can make the cheap ones work but i'm lazy"

panasonic buy sd 2501

"so the panasonic is the option for busy people : if you decide to buy panasonic buy sd 2501 as it has seeds dispenser"

mixed dough

"it will also bake pre mixed dough if one wishes to mix a special cake recipe"

still flat

"changed the yeast changed the flour but still flat bread"

almost too high

"almost too high"

louder beeper

"i am not bothered by the lack of any window in the lid but i do so wish it had a louder beeper however i simply put the on cooker timer which is nice and loud for the same amount of time"

throw away

"learned one valuable thing keep the yeast in the fridge and throw away when it reaches its best before date"

make jam or cakes

"i doubt we'd make jam or cakes in the machine but we will use the timer as the granary loaf took 5 hours and it would have been nice to have some for lunch instead of tea!"

waning rapidly

"it has encouraged me in a new hobby for my enthusiasm for baking my own bread without a machine was waning rapidly"

small niggle

"one small niggle is the end of loaf beep is quite quiet i did contact panasonic but was told that was how it is"

panasonic booklet

"you certainly don't need a seperate recipe book as the recipes in the panasonic booklet are more than ample for most people"

panasonic sd2500

"the panasonic sd2500 is the 4th breadmaker we've had over a number of years and is by far the very best"

panasonic breakmakers

"bought after two very efficient panasonic breakmakers"

panasonic sd254

"my previous machine panasonic sd254 was brilliant purchased from amazon in september 2009 but it died on me after six years of making beautiful granary loaves on bake rapid"

having problems

"if you are having problems i would suggest trying a stronger bread flour as the difference it made was amazing and i would replace this with the same model or maybe the 2501 if it broke down"

dough paddle

"as with this bread maker you will get a hole in the center base where the dough paddle sits i can live with it!"

mixed flour

"yeast was not mixed flour not mixed properly and the bread was not baked"

longer programmes

"some longer programmes so delivers a better result"

waste money

"don't waste money on cheaper models this is an investment in good food for years to come"

louder timer

"i put another much louder timer on to let me know"

became noisy

"i bought this to replace a previous panasonic breadmaker after the drive became noisy"

large loaves

"it was almost gone for dinner so i made the second one on timer was ready at 7 am both large loaves second is medium crust"

noisy breadmaker

"my loaves have never been so large and after my old noisy breadmaker this one is so quiet i don't know it's on"

wholemeal white fruit

"so far i have made white wholemeal white fruit and fruit malt loaves exactly as described with the enclosed recipes and they have come out fantastic"

threw together

"opened the scales and not being gentle about anything i think its a bloke thing threw together the flour yeast salt butter etc into the pan without doing anything to the pan or mixing blade some find oiling the blade or rubber spatula for the pan helpful against sticking but i never had any issues whatsoever !"

panasonic bread machines

"i have always found the panasonic bread machines far superior to the other machines i have had and replaced my old bread machine with yet another panasonic"

bread flour

"then i bought a bag of marriages bread flour and everything seemed to click into place"

baking options

"therefore as you can clearly observe on page 10 where the list of bread types and baking options are listed there are two columns one for sd 2501 and sd 2500"

known issue

"the only weakness is the drawer that dumps in fruit known issue can do tricky home repair or spend £20+ on new one so as we almost never use the facility we've gone for the basic machine this time with no door"

baking otherwise

"you do however need to take the loaf from the tin very soon after baking otherwise the loaf steams and spoils"

more difficult

"more difficult was to choice which one to buy from panasonic choice dint bother about price just to ensure i got what i need dint bother about this model as i wanted timer automatic nuts raisin dispenser and more options spend few days on compare and ask questions plus speak with wife and almost brought the top model until i find out it’s useless for my needs wife needs "

broke down

"if you are having problems i would suggest trying a stronger bread flour as the difference it made was amazing and i would replace this with the same model or maybe the 2501 if it broke down"

broken soon

"nothing is broken and it seems to me like nothing will be broken soon yes sometimes the bread maker is making a "strange noises" but it is simply at the time when the machine is mixing the dough after that is very quiet "

delay timer

"it is only useful if you use the delay timer which i do not and adds to the list of things that could go wrong and the 2501 costs a lot more"

poorly mixed

"made six loaves five of which were poorly mixed and leaden and the sixth barely risen despite following trouble shooting advice"

same model

"if you are having problems i would suggest trying a stronger bread flour as the difference it made was amazing and i would replace this with the same model or maybe the 2501 if it broke down"

dark crust

"the first loaf i made on basic rapid that is 2 hours and dark crust"

seems unnecessary

"the longer program seems unnecessary"

many reviewers

"i purchased this product some 16 months ago and in the last few months have started to experience the flat bread syndrome referred to by so many reviewers who have given the product 1 star as a result"

flat bread syndrome

"i purchased this product some 16 months ago and in the last few months have started to experience the flat bread syndrome referred to by so many reviewers who have given the product 1 star as a result"

dough cakes

"bakes bread dough cakes and many more things"

notice some faint

"the non stick coating seems to be tough but i did notice some faint marking after using a whole grain bread mix so i'm not sure how long it would last if i did this too often"

baking cakes

"only reservation is that it can be tricky to line the pan when baking cakes"

suspicious oils

"i can now eat bread that does not contain any chemicals or suspicious oils"

cheap argos

"i bought a cheap argos one which sufficed but a bit basic and i felt i could do better"

panasonic website

"there are also recipes for apple and ginger cake banana and walnut loaf boozy cake fruit tea bread gingerbread hazelnut and many more within the full manual that's included and available online at the panasonic website"

weird slices

"i do this as i personally don't like the tall loaves that all bread machines produce or the paddle that is baked into the loaf leaving some weird slices which is my only criticism"

noisy in operation

"no need for a yeast dropper as i understand it's insanely noisy in operation no night baking!"

lost anti stick

"the old one lost anti stick on the pan was going to buy a new pan but saw this at similar price"

motor burnt

"my dad bought a cheap bread maker for less than half the price and he altered the recipe bit by bit until it worked perfectly and he used it for 10 years until the motor burnt out"

dough recipe

"dough recipe 16 on bread maker"

rubbish i never

"i purchased another brand of bread machine a few years ago and it was complete rubbish i never made a successful loaf and subsequently gave it away"

stick coating

"the non stick coating seems to be tough but i did notice some faint marking after using a whole grain bread mix so i'm not sure how long it would last if i did this too often"

lens scratches

"the machine loses a star for the following: end of cycle beep too quiet with no facility to adjust the volume the lcd display lens scratches easily the whole thing is solid but some of the plastic parts could fit better"

stock reply

"i just get a stock reply"

miles apart

"the panasonic is miles apart in terms of the quality of the bread it produces"

rubber spatula

"opened the scales and not being gentle about anything i think its a bloke thing threw together the flour yeast salt butter etc into the pan without doing anything to the pan or mixing blade some find oiling the blade or rubber spatula for the pan helpful against sticking but i never had any issues whatsoever !"

nuts raisin dispenser

"more difficult was to choice which one to buy from panasonic choice dint bother about price just to ensure i got what i need dint bother about this model as i wanted timer automatic nuts raisin dispenser and more options spend few days on compare and ask questions plus speak with wife and almost brought the top model until i find out it’s useless for my needs wife needs "

tepid will

"put the ingredients in the breadmaker in this order: a sploosh of olive oil about one tablespoon all this does is make the dough workable and easy to tip the loaf out at the end 280ml of tepid water 30 seconds in the microwave to make it tepid will do don't make it too hot or you'll kill the yeast 400g of strong bread flour with 1 teaspoon of dried bread making yeast stirred into it"

white half wholemeal

"great bread maker only wish i had gone for the 2501 for the dispenser tray but this still works really well and makes great bread although i prefer half white half wholemeal so i had to play with the liquid amounts a bit to get them right"

cause of problem

"have tried different batches of flour and yeast to eliminate that as cause of problem"

mess with the recipes

"don't mess with the recipes leave them as they are panasonic have got it spot on"

basic white load

"i decided to make just a basic white load for my first attempt"

noisy over time

"all previous machines i've had tend to get noisy over time so i'm not worried about it"

deformed loaf

"on another occasion i had a deformed loaf but again it was my fault as i later realized i hadn't added enough water"

trouble shooting advice

"made six loaves five of which were poorly mixed and leaden and the sixth barely risen despite following trouble shooting advice"

very heavy

"the bread was flat as a pancake and very heavy"

horrible dense cake

"the result is a horrible dense cake like bun"

last forever

"total kaput and so much hassle returning it so i decided i have to get something which will last forever but also has to be simple without these unnecessary drawers and dispensers"

much noise

"it doesn't make too much noise thus being able to stay around while it's working without too much nuisance"

seconds in the microwave

"put the ingredients in the breadmaker in this order: a sploosh of olive oil about one tablespoon all this does is make the dough workable and easy to tip the loaf out at the end 280ml of tepid water 30 seconds in the microwave to make it tepid will do don't make it too hot or you'll kill the yeast 400g of strong bread flour with 1 teaspoon of dried bread making yeast stirred into it"

several bad experiences

"after several bad experiences with breadmakers i was persuaded to buy this one"

fail to hear that

"no one could fail to hear that!"

no more shop

"no more shop bought bread for this household"

buying premixed

"good unit i have made several loafs so far buying premixed from supermarket and very considtant"

lack of firmness

"it's difficult to slice as it buckles due to lack of firmness"

died of overwork

"my old bead maker finally died of overwork so this one was a must and i can't say anything negative about it i have never owned any other make so i can't compare but i wouldn't contemplate any other"

burned in the bread maker

"the brioche burned in the bread maker after just 1 hour and 55 minutes even though the finish time was 3 hours 30 minutes"

been a problem

"i’ve only given four stars for durability simply because the lid feels a bit flimsy but handled gently it hasn’t been a problem"

gave up the ghost

"this panasonic breadmaker replaced a cheap supermarket machine which after 10 years gave up the ghost"

returned it for another

"the first machine i received was faulty so i returned it for another"

wasted a bit of effort

"waitrose refunded me the cost of the duff bag but it wasted a bit of effort"

extra ingredients

"the only downside is that the beep that sounds when you can add extra ingredients isn't loud enough so you could miss the time slot"

non stick baking

"the bread comes out much easier with the non stick baking tin"

after 2 tries

"got the hang of it after 2 tries"

enthusiastic scrapes

"the paddle has survived countless dishwasher cycles and the pan has remained incredibly non stick despite a few over enthusiastic scrapes with a knife from little ones"

no night baking

"no need for a yeast dropper as i understand it's insanely noisy in operation no night baking!"

grain breads

"also whole grain breads come out heavy and undercooked"

ready mixed

"i have made wholemeal granary white brown fruit and various others including ready mixed where only water is added "

panic buying

"i can't wait until christmas fresh bread on christmas morning fresh wholemeal for the smoked salmon starter and no panic buying of too many loaves on christmas eve"

gave it away

"i purchased another brand of bread machine a few years ago and it was complete rubbish i never made a successful loaf and subsequently gave it away"

not that good

"i can't comment on the recipes because i am not that good at following them"

refuses to rise

"we have tried all combinations of flours and yeasts and the bread refuses to rise"

uncooked heavy

"the bread is inedible uncooked heavy and damp inside"

worse in the sd 2500

"this happened also in a previous model but is worse in the sd 2500"

worse with time

"the only very slight negative is that underneath the options panel the metal strip is a bit buckled and i wonder if this will get worse with time"

does n't the manufacturer

"also a complaint i’ve read in other reviews so why doesn’t the manufacturer take notice the bleep at the end when the loaf is ready is pathetically quiet"

minor criticsm

"my only minor criticsm is the "pinger" at the end of the bread making cycle"

and very worn

"bought the breadmaker to replace an old and very worn out breadmaker had a few problems in the beginning but discovered it was due to my yeast was in date but had been stored for quite a few months "

machine is defunct

"i have made hot x buns and 2 loaves and now the machine is defunct"

under the misconception

"i had always wanted to make my own bread but had always been under the misconception that it was a messy and timely occupation i was wrong"

quite primitive

"it replaced another make which produced quite primitive shaped loaves"

stop product

"its large number of settings and instruction book which come with exact measurements for different products make it a one stop product for home baking"

fairly basic

"service centre which wanted £40 just to look at it so decided to go for new and bought the fairly basic sd 2500 wxc"

very puzzled

"very puzzled i bought this years ago and wore it out!"

only shortage

"the only shortage is missing rye bread production"

spent years

"having spent years making half decent loaves in a morphy richards i purchaced the panasonic sd 2500 after reading the reviews"

loaf was heavy

"it didn't make the chocolate chip brioche as the chips melted and the loaf was heavy and not really edible but this has been the only disaster"

bread was not baked

"yeast was not mixed flour not mixed properly and the bread was not baked"

panasonic model

"when my last panasonic breadmaker stopped working i was a bit worried by some of the negative reviews on here but still decided to purchase another panasonic model"

seems to me like nothing

"nothing is broken and it seems to me like nothing will be broken soon yes sometimes the bread maker is making a "strange noises" but it is simply at the time when the machine is mixing the dough after that is very quiet "

never made

"some never made good bread and some did if you got the recipe just right but after a year or two the stirrer seised up or the bread pan began to leak around the stirrer"

with the bread but

"the problem with all bread makers is the paddle sometimes coming out with the bread but not all the time"

timer had not functioned

"we expected to 'hear' machine start and when it didn't it was a rest cycle thought the timer had not functioned"

referring my problem

"the seller magic discounts amazon and panasonic are referring my problem to one another without accepting liability for a refund so i'm stuck with a faulty product that i can't return"

mixed ingredients

"the panasonic entails mixing the ingredients then removing them then lining the tin then putting the mixed ingredients back in to the tin"

bread is heavy

"it is worth reading the recipe book carefully as it has good tips on what to do if the bread is heavy has air holes in etc etc"

replaced with same

"having had a previous machine by this company which suddenly packed up i am so glad i heeded which report and replaced with same make updated version of course"

a foot wrong

"this one has never put a foot wrong"

could go wrong

"it is only useful if you use the delay timer which i do not and adds to the list of things that could go wrong and the 2501 costs a lot more"

n't bought it earlier

"i just regret i didn't bought it earlier"

baking overnight

"i would highly recommend this machine but i wouldn't pay the extra for the sd 2501 which has the dispenser it only means putting the extra ingredients in manually after about an hour which is no hardship unless you are baking overnight"

gave me similar results

"i tried several different brands of flour morrisons asda tesco lidl etc and they all gave me similar results"

made the wrong

"i think i made the wrong one"

panasonic re my complaint

"in communication with panasonic re my complaint"

stodgy bread

"previous breadmaker gave very moderate results with heavy stodgy bread"

full manual

"there are also recipes for apple and ginger cake banana and walnut loaf boozy cake fruit tea bread gingerbread hazelnut and many more within the full manual that's included and available online at the panasonic website"

worried about

"all previous machines i've had tend to get noisy over time so i'm not worried about it"

n't as nice nice

"to put it in a nutshell the bread isn't as nice nice than the cheapie but not as nice as the fastbake which although didn't have a special gluten free program made a very nice gluten free loaf"

flat and pale

"used it twice and sent it back as it didn't mix properly and the bread was flat and pale on top"

cycle beep

"the machine loses a star for the following: end of cycle beep too quiet with no facility to adjust the volume the lcd display lens scratches easily the whole thing is solid but some of the plastic parts could fit better"

model drop

"according to their model drop down menu this model doesn’t exist!"

800g 2 lb loaf

"i primarily use the machine for the dough feature to make rolls and putting the dough into a normal 800g 2lb loaf tin and baking it in the conventional oven"

a non stick surface

"the new one is slimmer and has a non stick surface on the bread pan and kneading blade which are coated with diamond particles that are apparently twice as tough and scratch proof as the old one"

raisin dispenser

"the raisin dispenser broke and stayed open even though we never even used it"

yeast dispenser

"however the yeast dispenser on the sd zb2502 is unbelievably noisy and could wake the dead"

seed dispenser

"the reason i didn't get the 2501 was because of the seed dispenser which to me isn't a big thing because i can add the seeds manually"

knead the dough

"even if you don't fancy square shaped loaves i think these are great machines just to knead the dough then bake in your normal oven"

not loud enough panasonic

"two niggles the graduations on the measuring tumbler are difficult to read when filled with liquid and the volume of the bleeper to tell you when the bread is ready is not loud enough panasonic really ought to fix that"

bread and dough settings

"i have tried various recipes for both bread and dough settings and the results are always excellent delivering perfect loaves every time"

dough esp pizza

"use a lot for making dough esp pizza and wouldn't be without it now"

really is n't essential

"the only tiny disappointment is no viewing window but this really isn't essential"

matters worse

"to make matters worse i made several attempts and in doing so i went beyond the 28 day return period"

product 1 star

"i purchased this product some 16 months ago and in the last few months have started to experience the flat bread syndrome referred to by so many reviewers who have given the product 1 star as a result"

fruit and nut dispenser

"i purchased this one as i never ever did use the fruit and nut dispenser on the other so this does the job at almost 1 2 the price!"

bead maker

"my old bead maker finally died of overwork so this one was a must and i can't say anything negative about it i have never owned any other make so i can't compare but i wouldn't contemplate any other"

that was n't my fault

"i make a loaf almost every day and in 3 months of use have not had a bad one that wasn't my fault "

the extra ingredients

"note that this model does not have the automatic dispenser for seeds etc so you can't make some loaves on the timer as you need to add the extra ingredients when prompted"

idiot proof

"idiot proof hey if i can make great bread with this anyone can!"

seems to be tough

"the non stick coating seems to be tough but i did notice some faint marking after using a whole grain bread mix so i'm not sure how long it would last if i did this too often"

too many loaves

"i can't wait until christmas fresh bread on christmas morning fresh wholemeal for the smoked salmon starter and no panic buying of too many loaves on christmas eve"

fully raised

"3 hour function for granary bread was somewhat disappointing with the bread not fully raised"

kind of problem

"amazon far from clear on how to contact them over this kind of problem"

not buy this model

"do not buy this model!"

does nothing for an hour

"struggled a bit with the instructions and they don't mention that the 'rest period' is at the beginning of the cycle and the machine does nothing for an hour"

just not loud enough

"the beeper is just not loud enough"

fully cooked

"whatever i do the bread is doughy soft and not fully cooked"

found to be cracked

"immediately set to trying it out but the plastic measuring cup supplied for the water was found to be cracked"

n't working at first

"two things which could i feel be improved on a warning that the breadmaker begins with a rest period which made me at least think it wasn’t working at first"

much nuisance

"it doesn't make too much noise thus being able to stay around while it's working without too much nuisance"

paddle problem

"one has only to google the "panasonic breadmaker paddle problem" to see how many people have experienced it"

buying gf loaves

"i was buying gf loaves at £3 per loaf which were tiny dry greasy no flavour or all of the above"

have not processed at

"i have wasted 2 lots of flour etc and the loaves have not processed at all"

whatever i do the bread

"whatever i do the bread is doughy soft and not fully cooked"

does not stick at

"as for the dough paddle it does not stick at all and never has you have to let the machine cool completely before cleaning or putting any water on the metal bread making container the loafs we have are lovely and crusty with a fabulous taste so far to go as the best bread i have tasted in 50yrs"

n't buy another loaf

"won’t buy another loaf!"

brush off easily

"no detergent is needed the dough will brush off easily"

less aggro

"a buttered cake tin in an oven is far less aggro and the result will look like a cake rather than a loaf shaped cake"

with no door

"the only weakness is the drawer that dumps in fruit known issue can do tricky home repair or spend £20+ on new one so as we almost never use the facility we've gone for the basic machine this time with no door"

return period

"to make matters worse i made several attempts and in doing so i went beyond the 28 day return period"

should break

"nothing should break it would just look classier"

much or too little

"few drops of water too much or too little and the result is changed radically"

little back

"if it doesn't pop out rotate the blade a little back and forth by moving the fitting under the pan on top now of course and shake the pan again"

lack of any window

"i am not bothered by the lack of any window in the lid but i do so wish it had a louder beeper however i simply put the on cooker timer which is nice and loud for the same amount of time"

no viewing window

"the only tiny disappointment is no viewing window but this really isn't essential"

they replaced the

"we sent it over to panasonic customer service and they replaced the lid"

gave weights

"would be much better if the recipes gave weights as well as volumes for yeast sugar and salt much more accurate to measure and scale up or down if you have small digital scales"

minimal cleaning

"the loaf was easy to remove from the non stick pan and there was minimal cleaning up to do afterwards"

some cheap

"we have purchased many and varied makes of breadmaker some expensive some cheap this is by far the best one we have ever had we use this at least 3 times a week so we will have to see how long it will last but up to yet the best"

upgrade a big mistake

"we previously had one which worked perfectly but decided to upgrade a big mistake"

a nuts dispenser

"there is higher model that has a nuts dispenser but i decided not to pay for that feature as i didn't think i would use it all that often"

crust could be crustier

"only quibble is crust could be crustier but it is my first machine so some fine tuning may be required!"

died recently

"last one died recently so i had no hesitation in getting another"

only approximate

"one thing i found was that the bread recipes are only approximate because the result depends on the batch of flour and where it is sourced from and that will affect how much water you need"

no longer non stick

"my previous ones pan same make model was no longer non stick and it was impossible to remove the bread"

bake rye and dough

"for menus 7 and 20 meaning bake rye and dough rye there is a line explaining that this option is not available for your breadmaker as it was not designed for this purpose"

will be disappointed

"try it for yourself i doubt you will be disappointed"

n't argue with that

"can't argue with that"

avoid this flour

"5kg' avoid this flour!"

not just guesstimate

"secret is measure the ingrediants 100% do not just guesstimate"

maker morphy richards

"my old bread maker morphy richards was good but wearing out"

been using daily

"i bought this on the strength of other reviews to replace an old morphy richards that we had been using daily"

panasonic its far better

"delighted with the panasonic its far better"

yeast rather than

"our last panasonic breadmaker lasted eleven years and is still going strong as it turned out we were using old yeast rather than there being a problem with the breadmaker"

baking prog 1

"obviously washing all user parts with a soft sponge and soapy water is the only prep i had done and my first loaf is a corker i went straight for the 1kg loaf not to do by half measures lol and the only thing i have to say anything about is that even on dark crust setting the loaf has a light to medium colouring and not as dark as i would like it but im sure i will find a way to get it a little darker still but this was done on prog 2 rapid loaf so it mat be darker if i used the full baking prog 1 ?"

calories min 1000

"first week was difficult as stop eating gluten it’s not easy as to find replacement for diet and keep eating enough calories min 1000 per day"

raisin and nut dispenser

"i bought the model with the raisin and nut dispenser for my daughter"

plain and simple

"did not bother with all the automatic gizzmos that come with some makes this one is plain and simple and works every time and the bread is delicious"

n't loud enough

"the only downside is that the beep that sounds when you can add extra ingredients isn't loud enough so you could miss the time slot"

not a good move

"it was not a good move although the breadmaker was smaller than the panasonic models there was no consistently about the quality of the bread"

really edible

"it didn't make the chocolate chip brioche as the chips melted and the loaf was heavy and not really edible but this has been the only disaster"

would not be without

"makes great bread but it's a very big machine so finding storage space is not easy but would not be without it "

dough is being mixed

"just started a white loaf on program 7 and the dough is being mixed properly you can hear the difference in the force of the mixing between the old machine & the new one so problem solved!"

very slight negative

"the only very slight negative is that underneath the options panel the metal strip is a bit buckled and i wonder if this will get worse with time"

cooled down

"more often than not the paddle stays in the bread but it’s easy to remove once the bread has cooled down"

very stodgy

"i have to say the wholemeal turned out to be very stodgy and not nice to eat at all"

feels a bit flimsy

"i’ve only given four stars for durability simply because the lid feels a bit flimsy but handled gently it hasn’t been a problem"

older panasonic

"breadmaker is as described perfect to replace an older panasonic one which broke down"

cured the problem

"the new panasonic has cured the problem"

just ca n't go wrong

"so easy to use you just can't go wrong"

about this product

"i cannot find any think bad about this product"

leak around the stirrer

"some never made good bread and some did if you got the recipe just right but after a year or two the stirrer seised up or the bread pan began to leak around the stirrer"

rasin nut distributor

"incidentally i didn't by the 2501 because it has the rasin nut distributor"

cooked unrisen bricks

"it says it is suitable for breadmakers but it turned out 2 half cooked unrisen bricks"

found it very late

"i found it very late"

previously wasted

"i bought this machine about a week ago having previously wasted money on a much cheaper bread maker which regularly produced loaves that were only fit for the bin and i don't mean the bread bin!"

nothing like

"there's nothing like it"

unlocks diabetes

"sth in the shop bread against mould and it unlocks diabetes and gaining weight"

stick properties

"i have been using a panasonic bread maker for some years now with a good success rate but found after a period of time the non stick properties of the pan were not as good as they should be"

not that loud

"i have made a fruit loaf in it and put the fruit and nuts in at the appropriate time without any problems and the timer i can hear from upstairs sometimes even though it's not that loud"

n't bother again

"returned without difficulty and i won’t bother again!"

very small

"if the paddle remains in the machine the bread has only got a very small cut where the paddle was situated"

have a problem

"i didn't seem to have a problem"

compared to normal flour

"it appears that the different brands blends etc affect the result far more with gf flour compared to normal flour"

remove the bread in both products

"worth noting you must remove the bread as soon as it's finished"

initial disaster

"still learning but have had some success after an initial disaster"

increasingly difficult

"it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain a machine that has two paddles and a tin that produces bread in the shape of a conventional loaf"

returning item

"returning item"

leave holes

"shame the metal feet that kneed the loaf leave holes in the bottom of the bread but hey ho still great"

annoying feature

"the two paddles stop the annoying feature of single paddle machines in that the dough doesn't end up in one corner and get pushed up to the top"

dried yeast

"i substituted the oil with butter and did not use the sugar but increased the dried yeast and it comes out perfectly every time"

dough button

"then i do the dough button first and then bake seems to work better for this loaf style"

small nuisance

"one small nuisance is that the paddles do tend to stay in the loaf when the bread is removed however its easy to get them back again i think this is common to all bread makers"

same problem

"i see its not on sale any longer i wonder if others have had same problem"

machine poor design

"the bread pan is not easy to fit into the machine poor design"

cheap machine

"very frustrated as this is not a cheap machine"

stopped working

"we tried out the gluten free which we wanted to make for our sister in laws dietary requirement but the machine just stopped working during the process of making the bread"

heat and cold

"for example when you open to get the bread on mulinex all the interior side was made from plastic and because of stress from the heat and cold is starting to creak"

removed however

"one small nuisance is that the paddles do tend to stay in the loaf when the bread is removed however its easy to get them back again i think this is common to all bread makers"

failed miserably

"i have tried to bake 2 loaves today and both have failed miserably not even close to being edible"

wrong with the product

"nothing wrong with the product but impossible with my arthritic hands!"

total pain

"my one problem with this machine and it is a total pain in the ass is that if you move the position of the paddles underneath breadpan when you are cleaning it it's a total pig to get back into the machine"

failed again

"however i had to have a new pan after three years and now the pan has failed again after moderate use of twice a week"

health reasons plus

"i have never used the full bake only used the dough settings due to health reasons plus i hated those unsightly holes that the paddles left in my loaves"

very frustrated

"very frustrated as this is not a cheap machine"

almost as expensive

"i had thought that this machine would be my last one i have been making my own bread for nearing 50 years and have had more than my fair share but looks as though i may have to consider buying another as i am guessing that a replacement bread bin would be almost as expensive as a new machine"

completely dead

"by the way i have paid only 59£ after an year and a month is completely dead"

not supplying spares

"that in itself is poor but i now find that andrew james are not supplying spares"

little difficult

"placing the bucket in the machine is a little difficult as it is not clear what way round it should be placed"

n't move anything

"now that i know i make sure that i always put it back in the same way and don't move anything"

does not work at

"it might be ok for normal bread and it might be ok if you use the largest loaf setting but the small loaf setting does not work at all"

varnish will burn

"however i suspect that if i use it to make a complete loaf the varnish will burn off!"

n't wait make more

"perfect can’t wait make more !"

quantities by weight

"i am very impressed with the machine however i am not so impressed with the recipe book the ingredient quantities are expressed in teaspoons tablespoons or cups surely it would have been better to show all quantities by weight"

soggy and unusable

"leaving it in the oven causes it to go soggy and unusable"

Compare Pros

very pleased in both products

"very pleased"

great success in both products

"we have tried several of the recipes with great success"

highly recommend in both products

"highly recommend"

works well in both products

"works well"

decent loaf in both products

"it works perfectly well and produces a decent loaf that certainly tastes better than all the commercially available products"

free option in both products

"i bought it because of the known brand fairly well priced and because of the gluten free option as we are experimenting to find the cause of my daughter’s skin issues"

perfect loaf in both products

"as expected from all the reviews and a personal recommendation by a friend who has the same one this bread maker makes a perfect loaf every time"

excellent value in both products

"i read the reviews so all in all excellent value for money"

good value in both products

"also good value for money and a compact machine perfect for taking on a self catering holiday"

very happy in both products

"i am very happy with this machine the bread it makes and all the options available"

amazing machine in both products

"received my machine yesterday and after reading through the book baked my first loaf today i am so impressed with this breadmaker it's my first one and i now won't ever be without one its amazing the bread is just gorgeous and i absolutely love this amazing machine"

very impressed in both products

"i am very impressed !"

good product in both products

"good product well used"

excellent bread in both products

"excellent bread again and one or two minor gripes about the actual level of non stick in the pan have been addressed"

amazing bread in both products

"the best thing since slicedbread amazing bread just follow the recipe in the order shown"

even better in both products

"i went for this one because of the fabulous price at the time and it doesn't disappoint makes the best gluten free bread using glutafins multi purpose mix even better than branded loaves!"

absolutely brilliant

"once we had new absolutely brilliant"

truly excellent

"the result was truly excellent loaf"

highly delighted

"every time i use this bread maker i am highly delighted the bread texture and taste is excellent"

excellent love

"had a panasonic before but this one has all the extras and the non stick pan is excellent love the french bread recipe"

excellent product

"excellent product very quick and easy to prepare delicious fresh bread"

brilliant love

"brilliant love it"

huge success

"my very first cake was banana and walnut a huge success as was my brown loaf it's so easy to use money well spent thank you panasonic apple cake is next!"

truly wonderful

"the 'french' setting 6 hours produced a truly wonderful loaf"

excellent loaves

"the previous one lasted for years and both produce excellent loaves with no fuss"

excellent producy

"why did we wait so long this is an excellent producy easy to use and very simple instructions"

most amazing

"makes the most amazing gluten free bread"

brilliant breadmaker

"brilliant breadmaker!"

superb loaf

"nb no sugar for a superb loaf"

absolutely superb

"i firmly believe that no other brand can match the end result of a loaf made in a panasonic breadmaker the texture is absolutely superb"

absolutely love this

"absolutely love this"

superb loaves

"this machine makes superb loaves of bread and brioche"

worked faultlessly

"i've used it regularly on the timer which is easy to set and has worked faultlessly"

star success

"for me this machine is a 5 star success"

superb results

"superb results so far"

really excellent

"as a bread maker my sd 2500 is really excellent"

absolutely delicious

"i also make italian style pannetone with fruit absolutely delicious the machine is so versatile with it's menus you want to make it all"

worth investing

"definitely worth investing"

complete success

"used from day 1 with complete success"

absolutely fantastic

"what an absolutely fantastic breadmaker you really get what you pay for had cheaper brands but this machine really stands out and makes perfect bread every time aqnd if you like moist ginger cake this machine makes a fantastic better than mcvities cake"

great improvement

"my last machine broke and i replaced it with this a great improvement "

superb product

"superb product in every way!"

excellent results

"easy to clean easy to operate excellent results so far"

great model

"great model this much simpler to use than my previous model"

entirely satisfactory

"yet to be used for a long period of time but appears to be entirely satisfactory and satisfies our requirements for a simple bread maker"

amazing breads

"all the recipes i've tried from the supplied booklet have produced amazing breads both containing gluten and gluten free"

best ingredients

"always use the best ingredients they cost very little extra i use waitrose extra strong canadian flour and when making a wholemeal loaf include 100g of white flour"

best thing

"best thing since sliced bread hehe"

went blank

"at first i bought delonghi one from robert dyas but did not last 6 cycles and digital display went blank"

favourite loaf

"it's so good i make my mum's her favourite loaf"

well risen

"i went back to a panasonic which is what i should have done in the first place beautiful evenly browned loaf well risen and tasty"

really good

"main programs that have proved favourite for us are: easy ciabatta just a little olive oil french bread and using it to make really good pizza dough"

best results

"it may take a bit of time until you identify those ingredients providing the best results and you may need to slightly tweak the recipes"

works perfectly

"it works perfectly as expected"

been excellent

"i have made about 12 loaves so far and every one has been excellent"

real bargain

"wow a great machine and a real bargain at the price have been using panasonic bread makers for well over 20 years"

great results

"my family likes the 50 wholewheat 50 white recipe the most and i have also tried the pizza dough with great results"

freshly baked

"i particularly like the time delay it's great for breakfast or coming home to the smell of freshly baked bread"

wonderful loaf

"very simple to use and gives a wonderful loaf plus lovely dough for pizza"

wonderful result

"have just received this and used once on spelt programme with wonderful result!"

effortless experience

"very pleased extremely easy with an included recipe book and many pre programmed settings making it an effortless experience"

says it all brilliant

"that says it all brilliant!"

brilliant service

"phoned amazon customer service and old machine was collected within 2 days and a brand new one arrived a day later what brilliant service!"

model is excellent

"i haven't bought bread since i acquired my first panasonic and this model is excellent"

perfectly and better

"so far i have made 2 loafs and both have turned out perfectly and better than my previous panasonic bread maker"

perfect and delicious

"it was perfect and delicious"

wonderful product

"wonderful product"

very satisfied

"delivered quickly and at a good price so very satisfied!"

excellent choice

"excellent choice if like me you don't need to be making all the fancy breads with the automatic facility to add this and that yeah"

fantastic better

"what an absolutely fantastic breadmaker you really get what you pay for had cheaper brands but this machine really stands out and makes perfect bread every time aqnd if you like moist ginger cake this machine makes a fantastic better than mcvities cake"

plain white

"the recipe book that comes with it is very self explanatory and easy to use and we've had various types of bread from plain white to combinations of white and wholemeal"

perfect also

"very glad i bought it the older model with the raisin dispenser is perfect also and can be found cheaper"

best one i recommend

"the best one i recommend is wessex mill 50 50 or the mixed grain"

husband loved

"my husband loved it"

only worry

"only worry is the waist line!"

common gripe

"but i think this is a common gripe with all home made bread?"

cooked perfectly

"even with 100% wholemeal of granary flour the loaf is well risen and cooked perfectly"

though is excellent

"the bread though is excellent"

came out brilliant

"both came out brilliant"

best toast

"the bread when i don't make stupid mistakes is lovely and is the best toast ever"

stunning the booklet

"the breads are stunning the booklet is easy to work out the machine is fabulous"

delicious fresh bread

"excellent product very quick and easy to prepare delicious fresh bread"

breadmaker is excellent

"this breadmaker is excellent"

good loaves

"makes good loaves provided fresh yeast is used"

good crust

"very quiet adn easy to clean but all bread tends to be a bit spongy and unable to get a good crust"

nice and smart

"it has programme for making several things easy to understand and use looks nice and smart and the bread is really nice"

consistently the best

"i bought one of these for my daughter as an early christmas present after she'd researched various models and this came out consistently the best"

just brilliant

"used every other day and just brilliant"

works best

"however it works best if you respect the quantities to the letter"

great toasted

"it gives a good sized loaf well risen and baked that tastes great slices well with a sharp serrated knife and is great toasted"

great strait

"works great strait out of the box"

great loaves

"actual breadmaker is well made and solid and it bakes great loaves"

great gadget

"great gadget and at about 40p a loaf it'll even pay its way"

great loafs

"i had an old breadmaker that i used infrequently because the results were so variable but this one seems to produce great loafs every time"

replacement is excellent

"we had a previous version for 10 years and this replacement is excellent bakes well easy functionality"

great addition

"great addition to the kitchen"

were flawless

"lots of programmes in the manual exact recipies we've tried a couple and they were flawless"

good variety

"i chose this one as i wanted a larger pan and the option to make a good variety of loaves"

great machine

"a great machine"

professional manner

"this bread maker is truly a revelation after trying a few others over time this is the first one to bake bread in a professional manner open light and tasty just how bread should be!"

equally good

"it makes equally good bread and life is back to normal"

good price

"delivered quickly and at a good price so very satisfied!"

reliable performance

"we had such a reliable performance over many years from the same model that we just had to buy another one"

tasted delicious

"the appliance arrived today and produced its first loaf within 3 hours tasted delicious"

equally delicious

"it is much more quiet and produces equally delicious bread"

good instructions

"fairly good instructions but you do need to read them carefully"

decent piece

"put simply this is a decent piece of kit and is highly recommended"

invaluable item

"made my first loaf today and im thrilled to bits with my purchase great value this really is going to be an invaluable item in my kitchen now would def recommend this machine make model to anyone thinking of of buying a bread maker!"

appreciated present

"an appreciated present"

good reputation

"panasonic have a good reputation though so i am hopeful"

looks good

"looks good also"

decent sizes

"a bonus over my ancient bread making machine is that it makes three different sized loaves and they are all decent sizes"

reliable service

"this purchase replaced my original panasonic breadmaker which had given many years of reliable service"

great value

"if the machine lasts 10 years it will have proven to be great value for money"

fabulous price

"i went for this one because of the fabulous price at the time and it doesn't disappoint makes the best gluten free bread using glutafins multi purpose mix even better than branded loaves!"

good reviews

"bought my first breadmaker on the basis of the numerous good reviews"

clean easy

"easy to clean easy to operate excellent results so far"

nice taste

"i'm using allinsons stong flour and it has a nice taste"

pure appearance

"pure appearance just what is a must but everything you need"

perfect bread

"no "tweeking" of the given recipes to make them work every time perfect bread and the gluten free programme produces "the best gluten free bread i have ever had" says my daughter in law"

perfect english

"the instruction recipe book is worthy of note as it is well written easy to understand in a good sized font and in perfect english"

bread heaven

"my husband is now transported into bread heaven my friend will be delighted when i call her and i have a happy home"

improved texture

"what surprises me most is that the bread looks better and has an improved texture"

very quickly

"arrived very quickly have just made first loaf of bread perfect much better than previous makes of bread maker"

fairly well

"i bought it because of the known brand fairly well priced and because of the gluten free option as we are experimenting to find the cause of my daughter’s skin issues"

perfect recipe

"it's taken me a few goes to find the perfect recipe but it's going to save me a small fortune"

quiet efficient

"machine is quiet efficient and i love it!"

flour manufacturer

"please contact 'juvela' the gluten flour manufacturer for the correct recipe"

bread great

"makes all types of bread great"

working flawlessly

"5 years and it is still working flawlessly"

totally delicious

"this panasonic bread maker is a perfect 10 10 i can't believe how perfect the bread loaf came out was totally delicious 😋 omg this has got to be one of the best things i have ever bought 👍🏻👌🏻😊 i made the whole meal one and it was gorgeous and i am very happy and very impressed thanks to the panasonic"

loyal customer

"will remain your loyal customer"

good machine

"that was a good machine overall but incredibly noisy by comparison to parents panasonic machine and over time the fit of the paddle on the spindle became quite loose so that in the end the paddle would detach and bury itself somewhere in the dough during the kneading"

good recipes

"it comes with some good recipes to get you started majority of which are easy enough for a novice"

much improved

"the sd 2500 is much improved: controls are more user friendly the teflon coated paddle and bread pan makes a huge difference the loaf drops out of the pan without the need to poke and prod"

positive reviews

"i bought this product on the positive reviews of this item i am still finding my way around the bread menu so far i am baking with sucess"

lovely smell

"lovely smell of bread in the morning 2"

flour results

"only using organic wholemeal flour results are often poor with other makes of bread machine but the panasonic i'd read can make perfect wholemeal bread so i bought one and it's true every time"

easy no fuss

"easy no fuss no mess very easy to clean"

best value

"i bought panasonic again for the reliability and because if you shop around it seems to offer the best value for money"

very competitive

"found this to be a very competitive price too"

good choice

"it was really worth ordering great bread at the touch of a button good choice i made also good price"

just perfect

"this bread maker is just perfect"

fantastic loaves

"makes fantastic loaves every time"

delicious results

"received this yesterday afternoon made a large white loaf with bread mix very early this morning very pleased with the delicious results both myself and my husband are extremely pleased with the results!"

machine excellent

"i just make a multi seeded loaf and find this machine excellent"

definitely recommended

"definitely recommended!"

added manually

"these can be added manually"

pretty good

"10 years use though for £25 is pretty good i feel!"

worked perfectly

"they worked perfectly as well"

very helpful

"this machine has a very helpful instruction manual backed up by an easily understood control panel for the machine itself"

very quiet

"very quiet"

good sized loaf

"it gives a good sized loaf well risen and baked that tastes great slices well with a sharp serrated knife and is great toasted"

very easily

"this model has a new material in the pan which is great releasing the bread very easily"

came out perfect

"have baked a few breads all came out perfect !"

were happy

"this breadmaker was purchased to replace an old kenwood maker where the paddle had become fastened to the pan otherwise it worked ok and we were happy with the results"

very useful

"it's easy to use very easy to clean and the booklet is full of very useful menus for all kinds of foods this can make"

very versatile

"considered cheaper options but pleased to have chosen this as it is very versatile"

super easy

"super easy and works for me every time"

delicious recipes

"it's easy to use and produces delicious recipes time after time"

delivered quickly

"this breadmaker was delivered quickly"

simple and easy

"simple and easy to use"

whole stay

"it's the touch that rounds off the whole stay for them"

otherwise excellent

"otherwise excellent"

quality product

"would recommend spending that bit extra and getting this quality product"

really nice

"the bread and pizza he made was really nice and easy to make :"

happy home

"my husband is now transported into bread heaven my friend will be delighted when i call her and i have a happy home"

perfectly well

"it works perfectly well and produces a decent loaf that certainly tastes better than all the commercially available products"

bread perfectly

"bought specifically for the gluten free programme and makes bread perfectly"

nice & crisp

"much nicer than supermarket packet bread & the white bread recipes give you toast that stays nice & crisp!"

bread perfect

"arrived very quickly have just made first loaf of bread perfect much better than previous makes of bread maker"

mostly good

"this particular model had mostly good reviews and acceptable price so about 1 year ago i've decided to buy it"

quick and easy

"excellent product very quick and easy to prepare delicious fresh bread"

model 14 years

"had previous model 14 years"

rapid programs

"the rapid programs take a few hours but it's worth using the standard programs because although they can take up to 5 hours the bread is better"

greased tray

"once rested risen in bread maker knock back a bit and divide into 8 pieces shape into flattened balls and put on a greased tray then flour the tops cover with cling film and leave to double in size for about 25 mins in a warm place i"

liked them

"she loves it and has tried several different options and has liked them all!"

much simpler

"great model this much simpler to use than my previous model"

complex taste

"the extra time it takes compared to other breadmakers allows the yeast to properly ferment creating the complex taste you read about in the professional baking books it allows the dough to rest between kneads"

with results

"delighted with results"

were excellent

"all were excellent"

what surprises

"what surprises me most is that the bread looks better and has an improved texture"

right decision

"i bought this model as it was recommended by the gadget show it was the right decision"

came promptly

"very good product and came promptly with no trouble"

very prompt

"i wrote to panasonic as well and they were very prompt in answering my question as following: "in response i would like to inform that the manual that came with the breadmakers includes the specifications of two products which do have quite similar specifications"

perfect condition

"also arrived in time and in perfect condition"

fantastic breadmaker

"fantastic breadmaker!"

good results

"easy to use and good results"

very practical

"i m very happy with the bread maker easy to use and very practical i didn't buy anymore bread from supermarket"

going strong

"after nearly 3 years it is still going strong and it had easily paid for it self after the first year"

much pleasure

"she is delighted with it and gets as much pleasure from the feedback of friends to whom she gives the loaves as from eating the bread and experimenting herself"

fancy breads

"excellent choice if like me you don't need to be making all the fancy breads with the automatic facility to add this and that yeah"

very precise

"it's easy to use it comes with a very precise manual and with loads of recipes i like the italian loaf with pasatta and sun dried tomatoes the bad it's big really big i've seen bread makers half this size"

been returned

"it has been returned"

fantastic product

"fantastic product my son has specialised flour and it's the best bread he's had low protein flour i've recommended this product to everyone i know delivery was speedy it arrived within a few days with no extra cost"

please help

"please help"

original items

"it's actually a pretty good machine no faults and owned this product for a fair few months now and still going with all original items"

quite similar

"i wrote to panasonic as well and they were very prompt in answering my question as following: "in response i would like to inform that the manual that came with the breadmakers includes the specifications of two products which do have quite similar specifications"

beautiful baked bread

"beautiful baked bread each time"

does n't crumble

"my husband is coeliac and makes his own bread 3 times a week it doesn't crumble and is a good texture"

thoroughly recommended

"thoroughly recommended!"

good selection

"comes with a good selection of recipes"

fluffy and soft

"fluffy and soft inside"

extra time

"the extra time it takes compared to other breadmakers allows the yeast to properly ferment creating the complex taste you read about in the professional baking books it allows the dough to rest between kneads"

perfect results

"i am happy to say that we achieved perfect results every time and my wife can now enjoy a sandwich or her morning toast with no ill effect and it looks like bread too!"

very pleased in both products

"very pleased"

great success in both products

"i have made gluten free bread as well with great success"

amazing machine in both products

"amazing machine vey pleased with the bread and variations"

decent loaf in both products

"never got a decent loaf so returned it"

free option in both products

"have been using gluten free option but better to select light crust as dark makes bread hard"

perfect loaf in both products

"makes a perfect loaf and being the same shape as shop bread is easy to cut"

excellent value in both products

"excellent value for money and very easy to use"

good value in both products

"☆☆☆☆☆ good value for money"

very happy in both products

"very happy with my purchase and impressed by how easy it is to use"

good product in both products

"good product"

excellent bread in both products

"excellent bread every time were onto our fifth loaf and all have been the same"

amazing bread in both products

"it makes amazing bread"

very impressed in both products

"as a first time user of a bread maker we are very impressed"

even better in both products

"my favourite recipe is to use the 'dough' setting and then bake my loaves in the oven: this makes for even better bread and it handles almost any recipe that you can throw at it"

works well in both products

"a bit fiddly to fit the bread pan but once fitted all works well"

excellent functionality

"excellent functionality for the price"

brilliant product

"brilliant product makes great bread"

excellent loaf

"i confirm the excellent loaf and dough making results"

excellent bread machine

"excellent bread machine"

tasty and fresh

"tasty and fresh"

kids loved

"my kids loved it"

lovely loaves

"lovely loaves and comes out bread shaped!"

good cupful

"always add a good cupful of mixed seeds and just add 20mls more water to make the perfect wholesome bread"

correctly tomorrow

"tasty bead but i'll make it correctly tomorrow"

really easily

"the paddles come out really easily too which means there are no big holes in the loaf🍞"

lovely machine

"makes other things as well good value for a lovely machine"

lovely loaf

"this thing is magic throw the ingredients in and the machine will create you a lovely loaf within 3hrs with zero human effort"

superior machine

"it is a superior machine bought to replace my 15 year old jmc model that finally packed in"

excellent machines

"the build quality seems very robust and is reminiscent of some of the excellent machines panasonic used to make"

excellent condition

"quick delivery in excellent condition"

very courteous

"came very well packed and very courteous driver have used it and very easy instructions made a very good loaf of bread too"

significantly quiet

"it's significantly quiet and the double dough hooks means no more poking around with a wooden spoon to ensure it mixes properly my previous machine frequently left an amount of flour at the side of the dough unmixed "

highly recommended

"highly recommended"

real fiddle

"i am devastated that the spindle that holds one of the paddles has now become loose and is a real fiddle to use"

prefer butter

"i prefer butter to the oil so use 4ozs butter for my wholemeal bread "

perfectly baked

"home made perfectly baked bread"

family love

"all my family love this"

better mixed

"recipe book could be better mixed ml cups teaspoons and weights don't tally 2lb is not 1000g it is 907 and colour is spelt colour not color"

very professional

"this machine produces very professional loaves of different sizes"

build quality

"the build quality seems very robust and is reminiscent of some of the excellent machines panasonic used to make"

works great

"works great"

very robust

"the build quality seems very robust and is reminiscent of some of the excellent machines panasonic used to make"

nice shape loaf

"nice bread a bit big so you need to have room to put it but makes a nice shape loaf"

maker great

"i love this bread maker great way to have home made bread"

recommend the machine

"i would highly recommend the machine"

lovely bread as well

"lovely bread as well"

quick delivery

"quick delivery in excellent condition"

would greatly

"it would greatly simplify the cooking process"

with no hassle

"no problems makes great bread with no hassle"

tasty bead

"tasty bead but i'll make it correctly tomorrow"

pleased with my purchase

"they taste delicious and i am really pleased with my purchase"

light crust

"have been using gluten free option but better to select light crust as dark makes bread hard"

exactly what i needed

"this is exactly what i needed"

robust model

"robust model"

very good value

"it is also incredibly cheap to buy very good value for money"

hour delivery window

"great product great delivery time with a one hour delivery window"

best recipes and methods

"it is easy to use i am still getting used to it made 2 loaves and 1 fruit cake as i say still getting used to it so i can experiment and find out the best recipes and methods"

helpful people

"saddly it has over heated but i’m sure the helpful people at andrew janes will sort it out"

easy and convenient

"taste better than most in the shops and so easy and convenient to use"

makes a nice loaf

"makes a nice loaf"

perfect wholesome bread

"always add a good cupful of mixed seeds and just add 20mls more water to make the perfect wholesome bread"

very easy to

"may traditional bread normal way and very easy to use"

very good loaf

"came very well packed and very courteous driver have used it and very easy instructions made a very good loaf of bread too"

sensible large loaf

"makes a sensible large loaf that cuts into slices that fit in the toaster and are suitable for making sandwiches"

makes lovely bread

"makes lovely bread even though i forgot to set the loaf size!"

very well packed

"came very well packed and very courteous driver have used it and very easy instructions made a very good loaf of bread too"

yoghurt well

"it makes yoghurt well too!"

brilliant machine

"brilliant machine"

very easy instructions

"came very well packed and very courteous driver have used it and very easy instructions made a very good loaf of bread too"

loaves good

"works well similar to a previous bread maker loaves good"

makes great bread

"brilliant product makes great bread"

great delivery time

"great product great delivery time with a one hour delivery window"

best breadmaker

"this is the best breadmaker i have ever had"

recommend this product

"i definitely will recommend this product"

easy to clean

"easy to use and easy to clean"

delicious bread

"makes delicious bread "

great range of options

"great range of options"

good sized bread

"good sized bread pan"

mulinex beard maker

"i am really happy with this product previously i have an mulinex beard maker but this one is better then that"

lovely replacement

"lovely replacement for a similar old lidl model!"

great product

"great product"

shop bread

"makes a perfect loaf and being the same shape as shop bread is easy to cut"

recommend to others

"would definitely recommend to others"

better than most

"taste better than most in the shops and so easy and convenient to use"

it's 100 % perfect

"it’s 100% perfect"

happy with the product

"happy with the product"

star service

"5 star service"

duel blade mixer

"i was looking for a duel blade mixer as that was the size of my previous one"

easy however

"the timer function makes this easy however"

kitchen cupboards

"not noisy and although fairly bulky it fits in one of my kitchen cupboards when not in use"

good size loaf

"makes a good size loaf"

helpful customer service

"helpful customer service with recipes too"

Compare Emotion analysis

Panasonic SD-2500WXC Compact Breadmaker with Gluten Free Programme

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

43.8% 34.4% 21.8%
  neutral 34.4%
  happiness 31.0%
  worry 11.2%
  relief 5.3%
  sadness 5.3%
  hate 4.8%
  love 2.5%
  fun 2.3%
  surprise 1.1%
  enthusiasm 0.9%
  joy 0.7%
  fear 0.2%
  anger 0.2%
Andrew James Bread Maker | Dual Blade with 15 Functions Including Gl..

Positive tone

Neutral tone

Negative tone

47.9% 24.7% 27.4%
  happiness 34.2%
  neutral 21.9%
  worry 20.5%
  fun 5.5%
  hate 4.1%
  sadness 2.7%
  love 2.7%
  empty 2.7%
  relief 2.7%
  enthusiasm 1.4%
  surprise 1.4%

* analysis performed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, data for the analysis has been gathered from multiple publicly accessible sources.
** strength is the level of sentiment expressed in a sentence, phrase or keyword. It ranges from 0 to 100%
prices and sales statistics are updated daily

last analysis update 2024-06-02